Woven Shibori is just like a box of chocolates ‘cause you just don’t what you're gonna get until you cut it open! There are so many variables that you just can't predict how the dye, water and weave will react!

This is scarf number One which was woven exactly as I created the pattern….I dyed it with salmon on side one and fuscia on side two. This one had the greatest number of pattern threads per inch, so the greatest amount of pleating.

You can see that the each side of the scarf is unique.

Scarf number Two was dyed in jade green and purple stripes. It was painted the same on both sides and had the fewest number of pattern threads per inch, consequently the least amount of pleats.

Although it looks as if there is texture, the weave is smooth. This is really all about colour.

I think that number Three is my all over favourite; it will just look great with denim. I have dyed this combination
before, but it looks very different from the first scarf which had a twill ground and this one has a tabby ground. Scarves three and four have pleating in the mid range.

The scarf was painted jade green on one side and royal blue on the other, so very lovely..and completely different looking on each side.

This one is hot, hot, hot….just like an Okanagan summer! Scarf number Four was painted orange on both sides and then fuscia was dropped randomly on top. It is stunning and the photo just doesn’t do it justice, my camera just didn't capture the amazing colour at all well. The Procion MX mix that I used on each of the scarves was for medium value, but they still came out very bright and rich.
On a completely different note, I live in a rural area of British Columbia and our water supply is from a high plateau lake. This makes our water prone to spring turbidity(dirt) due to run off, and fall staining as the leaves fall into the lake and leach out their colour.

The end result is that white clothing in my neck of the woods is iffy at best. I recently went shopping for a bra and found a smokin’ deal on my favourite brand, but it is white – drat!

Not any more! The Shibori dye day gave me a great dark purple left over and I was looking forward to a bright purple bra, but after rinsing it came out this stunning pink/lilac! I'm happy anyway!