Everything about Christmas makes me happy; I love being with my family and making that special effort to acknowledge my friendships. I like to send and of course receive Christmas Cards by post. I have some very special weaving friends that I try to send handwoven cards if I can. The most difficult part of making the cards is getting appropriate card stock, so if you have any great sources you'd care to share, please send them my way…

These are the cards I sent for 2008. I wove them at the end of an 8 shaft twill gamp. The warp is navy cottolin and the weft is white cottolin with silver thread. The cardstock is the last of some I purchase through the Ponderosa Weavers way back in 2002!
Over the past few years I have received some lovely cards from my friends and I trot them out every Christmas, both for the weaving and the sentiments written inside. These are a few that make me feel warm and fuzzy!
In 2007 the GCW did a card exchange that I took part in, and the next two photos are of the Christmas Cards I received, along with their draw downs and record sheets, an amazing resource... I sent a Valentine’s Card into the exchange; don’t know what I was thinking!

I did threaten to share some of my favourite recipes with you, and so far have restrained myself; I am a complete foodie and could wax on about cooking constantly if I give in too frequently to the urge. I'm a creature who revels in tradition and have a tendency to save special things for only once a year; this easy dessert has ended our Christmas meal for the last decade.
Mountains of Chocolate Mousse
12 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips
6 egg yolks
6 egg whites stiffly beaten
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup of almost boiling water
Put chocolate chips and very hot water into a blender and whiz until smooth and the chips are melted. Add egg yolks and vanilla extract and quickly re blend. Beat egg whites until very stiff and glossy. Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mix. Nothing else needed, but a topping of lightly sweetened whipped cream or mascarpone cream with a little Triple Sec and orange zest is wonderful!
I have a small shoe box *full* of beautiful woven cards from weaving friends over the years and find room to put them out every Christmas! Thanks for being a big part of our holiday. :)
I can recall just how yummy that chocolate mousse is and will make it for us this year. Thanks for sharing!
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:) Susan
What beautiful Christmas cards!!!! You sure do have some talented friends.
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