The runner made from the warp remaining from my gamp is off the loom and looks pretty good! It’s fun to do something completely different from my usual style and it will make a nice addition to my sale box.

The photo above shows the M&W selvedges to the front and the Rosepath in the centre.

Above is the runner lenghtwise. I found that I still had a yard or so of warp left, so back to the computer I went. I wanted to weave something on the same threading and tie up that looked completely different. I think I succeeded as it really looks nothing like Rosepath!
I used my weaving program and started networking the treadling and after much messing about came up with what looks like a pine cone on the Rosepath threaded portion of the warp and if you try real hard the M&W's look like wheat stocks.

I started my development with this part of the motif and checked for floats on the computer program and decided that this would be the basis of my design.

I then took this segment, flipped it over, and reversed the sequence to make a more interesting piece overall. When I was happy with it, off to the loom I went.

Now I wove the runner and loved what developed and really enjoyed the process…….until ...I took it off the loom and the main motif looks like this on the reverse, no floats but...

The part of the pinecone motif that I had inverted and reversed have these long nasty floats!
I had assumed that if there were no floats on the front and back of the motif that reversing the motif would be the same…..WRONG, WRONG, WRONG…..lesson learned.

However, the nice thing is that this runner is now in my collection and it looks great…
I could see the wheat stocks !
Then when you showed the long floats I groaned just you most likely did! Such a disapointment...
but now you get to keep it for your own table.
Anyone who turns it over is simply rude. "Just admire from over there."
:) Susan
Sorry about those floats. Weaving does tend to do that: Just when you think you've got it down to an intuitive level, it kicks you in the seat of the pants. The price of experience.
I also see the wheat stocks.
Long floats are a pain!!! I hate it when I they show up.
Anyway I wouldn't worry to much since its so pretty you're keeping your runner for yourself.
Very nice!!!!!!!!
The M and O and rosepath combination is really lovely! I get very inspired by reading all the work you did on the PC in search of a new pattern. And the runner is lovely , who says it must look good on the reverse? Embroidery never does!
This came out lovely. I love the wheat stalk pattern. And the long floats could be little snakes :)
Hi there - your table runner is stunning and I enjoy your stories of trying something different. When things are going well for me I just leave things alone but you just love to experiment ! The result is lovely and very unusual ! As Susan says no one should dare to turn it over to look !
I can see wheat also! I think it is beautifull. Don't show anyone the back, and even than, people who don't weave don't even know about the floats not supposed to be there. they will just think that is the way it is supposed to be. I love them both
So much coolness off of one warp!! Very impressive!
If you're hemming it, it does have a front and a back, right? So then what happens on the back, stays on the back....or something like that.
I love the wheat shafts and pinecones! Nice work!!
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