I’m reweaving the white linen table runners; I made a threading error on the first batch from the end of last year (Blog post 1 and Blog post 2). I love pattern and the classic blue and white colour combination so much that I felt compelled to make these table runner right.
I carefully threaded the warp in 2/16 white linen then tied on and woven the first six inches and then I stalled. The runner sat there for over a week, while I did some spring cleaning and gardening outside. (It’s snowing today but the daffodils are up and three inches high!)But I finally started weaving, and I’m reminded why I like to weave this snowflake twill pattern; the treadling is a joy to weave. The weft is a denim blue cottolin that is a nice compliment against the white linen.I finished weaving the denim blue cottolin runner and had a lovely surprise at the end; I finished the runner and finished the pirn at the same time. Winning at the weaving game!I put on enough warp for two runners so hopefully I’ll finish weaving the other table runner next week, but the spring cleaning list beckons. We like to get it all done before March when the garden sends out it's siren call.
Final garden shot is of the daffodils almost ready for Spring. I took on that photo on Thursday, as I’m writing this it is snowing and the forecast is for 5 -15 cms of snow! It has gone from warm sunny weather to winter in just a couple of days.