Finally, my swing coat is complete. Well, finished enough to post, but there are still a couple of finishing tweaks to take care of.

I haven’t been able to find the kind metal clasp closures I envisioned at Fabricland which is the only sewing notions store in the Okanagan Valley! I’m either going to have to put on some big buttons with loops or search the internet for options! Here’s a photo of the coat with no closures. Thank you to my lovely model, Ngaire!

The coat itself turned out pretty much like the pattern photo, but my fabric is still a bit stiff and so it doesn’t have quite the flow and swing that I was looking for. I’m confident that after having been worn a few times it will drape a little more.
My second problem is that I’d really like to top stitch the front of the jacket from hem right around the collar to the other hem. This will ensure that the facing stays where it should. My problem? The presser foot of my sewing machine won’t open enough! This means tracking down someone with an industrial machine to do it, or taking a hammer to the fabric to see if I can flatten it enough to get under the presser foot – daunting to say the least!

The collar turned out so much better than I’d hoped. I did the general collar shape from the pattern, but elongated the pattern piece to make the collar have deeper, wider points .

I then cut a smaller piece of a similar shape and layered it on top gathering it to soften the whole look. This is makes the swing coat a bit more individual and adds a modern touch, I think.

I lined the coat with winterized satin lining in navy the same shade as the collar. The inside of the satin lining has a flannel like finish that adds an additional layer of warmth. It has a very luxurious feel and weight.
Here’s how the
project started out… This is Alice Schleins network twill pattern from " The Best of Weavers - Twill Thrills".

Warp Description
Warp Yarn: Wool
Count: 2 ply medium
Color: Alternating navy and black
Warp Length: 6 yards – only 5 yards woven as I ran out of weft
Warp Width: 33 inches
Set: 10 epi
Reed: 10 dent
Sley: 1 per dent
# Ends: 330 plus 2 floating selvedges
Weft Description
Weft Yarn: Wool
Count: 2 ply medium
Color: Natural – 2 different dye lots
The take up and shrinkage was 10% overall. I machine fulled the yardage and then air dried and pressed before placing the pattern pieces.
Next time I would sett the yarn at 8 epi and full a bit more...., but other than that I'm pretty good with the finished product.
wounderfull!! best wishes wiebke
your coat is so beautiful- and it is an inspiration to move on with my weaving skills.
Beautiful and a garment with style!
Very,very pretty!
Now that's a handsome coat!
Love the soft collar and the satin lining is classy.
Maybe make an oriental frog for it? I think I gave you a 'how-to' sheet and no doubt there is a You Tube vid.
There are also silver (imitation?) link closures for holding shawls and sweaters in place that might work?
Well done!
Thanks Susan,
I love the idea of a frog closure; but then I thought it may be too lightweight for the heavy, and I mean heavy, coat. I will try and find those silver link closures, they should really work well. The coat meets in the front with only a little overlap, so it must be a pressure clasp....hope I can find some soon.
What a pretty coat. I love the collar and the lining. I know it feels very luxurious, I used to line my coats with it too.
You will show us a picture with the closing, when finished? please :-)
Ohhh! Très chic!
I am really excited to see the finished garment. Fabulous. I have had that pattern in my cupboard waiting to usee last year, and had even bought some rather cheap wool mix from Fabricland here in UK!!!Because I seem to spend all my time weaving I have never got round to sewing it up.Now I have seen what you have done it has inspired me to weave the fabric!!!
AMAZING!!! And of course beautiful!!
Wow!!! Congratulations! You will get many years of wear out of it, stay warm, and look cool to boot. Now I want to weave fabric for a coat.
Hi there - what a great project and what a lot of work ! You are a very good seamstress to have tackled the lining and the collar. What a beautiful result, enjoy wearing it !
This fabric is such an interesting weave and you have made a fabulous coat with it. This is so inspiring, thankyou for showing it to us.
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