
Monday, February 27, 2023

Eight Shaft Twill in Silk

Another dip into the silk stash  and this time it is the turn of some pink Debbie Bliss silk singles.  I’m pretty sure that there won’t be enough pink silk so I also pulled out some silk in cream, silver, grey and chocolate.

The skein holder and ball winder are both back into action. 

For a single scarf I pull a warp 100 inches long, it gives me 10 inches for fringe in the front, 70 inches for the scarf and 20 inches for the second fringe, take up and loom waste.  I first pulled the warp using the pink silk singles and got 92 ends.  I want the scarf to be 8 inches wide so I need a total of 160 ends.  I used the cream, silver and chocolate silk to make a frame for the scarf.  Here is the scarf placed into the raddle at the top of the loom castle and it is ready to pull on. 

For the weft I knew that I wanted to use Tencel in Eggplant but I had no idea what the pattern I was going to use for this scarf.  I spent a lot of time on the computer trying out different patterns.  

I ended up using the same twill pattern as the smoke grey scarf, Stricklers #385.  I think that it looks like little rose buds in the pink centre of the scarf. The eggplant weft really, really works!

Mom and I joined the local nature group, they offer local field trips for birding and botany.  Last week was the monthly walk with the botany group, we went to a local park in a housing development that is also between two schools.  It is amazing how wild the forest still is, we were looking at different winter fungi and mosses.  

We saw a lot of little brown mushrooms but a highlight was the witch’s butter (Dacrymyces chrysospermus), an orange jelly fungus.

The final garden photo is daffodils and rhubarb, the photo is from last week because this week everything is covered in snow again!

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