
Monday, August 31, 2020

Grey Striped Tea Towels Part 3

Once I fixed the threading mistake I quickly got into the groove with weaving the tea towels again.  I’m always surprized at how fast a tea towel weaves up once I sit down to do it.  I do a different band of colours on each tea towel to make them individual, here is an example.

I don’t have much to show about the tea towels as I’m still weaving them but it is always exciting when you finish the tea towel and finish a pirn at the same time!

I’m almost done weaving the towel number five and only have one tea towel left to weave this week before I can cut off, wash and hem the tea towels and have them ready for the Etsy Shop.

But I’ve been doing something else this past week.  I have been in the garage painting.

It is a grandfather clock that we bought in the 1980's when a local grandfather clock manufacturer closed down.   I just couldn't find a place in the house for it while it was natural coloured.  So we  painted it a lovely dark blue based off of one of the shades of Tencel; does anyone else take cones of yarn to the paint store?!  It needs a bit of moving about in place to get it perfect in the room and then the debate is whether or not to start it up.  I'm not sure if we can stand the ticking that close to the couch only time will tell.

Final Garden photo is a blue hydrangea, the flowers start a lovely yellow but then change to blue, unfortunately the flowers are sterile so no food for the pollinators so it will be leaving the garden this year because we are focusing on making our garden a true feast for the wee beasties.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the clock! I'm a big believer in doing what you like to furniture (and equipment) because it's YOURS! Although I would have disagreed fiercely last night while trying to scrape off old masking, scotch and packing tape from a loom I'm refurbing!


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