
Monday, October 7, 2019

Black Piano Scarf

You may remember from the piano scarves blog that I had a cone of creamy white chenille that didn’t match the others, which I didn’t find out until I had pulled the long 7 plus yard warp.  But I had just seen Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen movie, which is really good by the way.  Anyway, in the movie there was a black piano and it sparked the idea for a woven black piano scarf.
I did the math to find out if I had enough of the white chenille to do a black piano scarf, and I did, just.  I had to scale down my pattern to just one scarf but I had enough white chenille to go for it.
It is surprising how different the piano scarf looks just by reversing the colours.
It is interesting how stiff and cardboard-y the scarf is before washing.  The amount of shrinkage in the width is also surprising when it is compared to the washed and dried white piano scarf.
I wash the scarf by hand then put the still slightly damp scarf into the drier to finish drying and to fluff up the fibres.  The scarf is in the dryer with two large bath towels and some wool drier balls and yet it tied itself into a perfect knot?!  (Sorry for the bad photo)
I wish that I could show you the finished scarf but I caught that terrible cold that is going around and so the scarf has been hanging in the closet waiting for me to finish the hems.  Hopefully I’ll have the finished scarf by next blog.
Final garden shot is the Flying Dragon Bitter Orange Tree (Ponciros trifoliata monstrosa); its fall colour is just spectacular.  The bright yellow and orange leaves are a bright spot in the garden next to the silvery sage and green spears of the Siberian iris.


  1. I love the 'negative' piano scarf. Just lovely.

  2. Do you have a “pattern” for the piano scarf?
    I would like to attempt one in plain weave, asking about distances between keys


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