This warp is wild silk with a grist of about 2/6 which I had originally dyed with small blue and white splashes, but when I got right down to it ~ I didn't really like it; so I re-dyed it deep turquoise and purple. I'm happy now.
I loved the tie up and threading that I used on the doublewide scarf I made for myself (see below), but wanted a different pattern.
So I used the same set up, but treadled it 1-12-1, nice and easy. I must admit that I'm really very pleased with the result. The scarf has 150 ends and it is sett at 20 ends per inch. The scarf is about 7 inches wide and will be about 75 inches long, excluding fringe.
Usually I seem to leap into my weaves with no real idea about weft, but this time there was only one weft on my mind.
I chose to use 2/8 tencel in red/purple, what I think of as magenta. It really works well and the pattern just gleams against the dull raw silk.
This is the final 'warp in waiting' and just so I don't forget about it I have it sitting front and center on my castle. I am still pfaffing about doing it though ~I have a plan for some deflected doubleweave that I really want to start, so it may get tucked away for later.
I have a wee dark, moist corner in my garden that sits in the lee of a fence on the north side. It's a perfect place for a small fernery. Here is my current favourite fern front and centre; Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum' commonly known as an Alaska Fern. This photo does not really do it justice as it is stunning in its symmetry with each frond swirling out from the centre.
Have been enjoying catching up on blog reading. Some wonderful scarves coming out of the Dust Bunny studio. The patterns above remind me of Kete as they are often used in flax weaving.