Looking through our lace drafts I found a lovely pattern in paper spots or dropped tabby lace, which Mum had published in Handwoven Magazine. I like to take of picture of the border so I can remember how to end the runner. There is nothing worse than getting to the end of the runner and trying to remember what you wove for the border.
After taking the photo I noticed a small lump on the front with further check found a large snarl on the back. So I got to unweave a couple of inches.
The pattern is wonderful large circles of lace highlighted by a trellis. It was a simple treadling and a joy to weave so the runner wove up quite quickly.
I am always delighted when I finish weaving the runner (or scarf or whatever) and the pirn finishes at the same time!
I changed the pattern a little for the second runner instead of circles there are long ovals of lace highlighted by a trellis.
After washing the runners the lace does what it does and puckers the runner, this is the scary stage when you wonder if it will ever iron flat.
I usually use a steam press to flatten the final piece but with lace you need to push the puckers out with an iron. It is amazing how the lace changes.
I then used the steam press for the final pressing of the table runners. Here is the finished runner with the circles. For Sale.
Here is the finished runner with the long ovals. The runners are quite stunning and the warm brick red is a lovely colour. For Sale.
Final Garden Shot is of some bulbs just popping up from the garden, I am not sure what they are I have to wait for them to bloom. The trellis is to stop the deer from eating the tender tips.
That lace runner is stunning and so much better than a cone of yarn in my closet! It looks so good on the dining room table that you might want to rethink selling it....