
Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year’s 2018 – What is on the Looms

Happy New Year!

Here are the projects that are on the looms.  First with Mum’s loom, she has a 12 yard warp of tea towels on the loom.  The warp is navy 2/8 cotton and she has just started the first tea towel in peacock blue.  The pattern is a lovely twelve shaft twill pattern.
On my loom is nothing.  I have just cut off two pretty red lace runners.  Now I am starting to plan my next project.  I have two cones of 2/16 blue mercerized cotton that I am hoping will become a lace runner.
Final Garden shot is of the hinoki cedars ( Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracillis") wearing their winter hats.  They need some help to stop the heavy coastal snow from bending and splitting the branches.


  1. Wow, that navy and peacock is stunning! Beautiful pattern, too!

  2. I agree with Misty - that navy and peacock is stunning.

    Although I didn't post it, I did take New Year pix of my 3 looms. All naked! :-( I've now got a warp on the Macomber, and I'm the type of person that doesn't often have things on more than one loom at a time.

    May your weaving be easy and beautiful throughout 2018.


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