When Mum and I cleaned out the stash in January, we found some black and white chenille, which I only use for one thing – Piano Scarves! There was only a little bit of white left; just enough for two scarves.
The warp is white chenille with a band of black on one side. The draft is just a four shaft plain weave. All the patterning comes from the clasped weft technique.
I use a large 15 inch boat shuttle made by Little Man Howell to hold the chenille. It holds enough chenille on it for more than half of a scarf, about forty inches. It is just amazing.
The scarves wove up quite fast this time. But I caught the ‘flu and I have been sick for a couple of weeks. So the scarves have been sitting in a pile waiting for me to hem them. I’ll get to them soon, promise!
Whenever I do these scarves I always run out of warp. I have had to add extenders onto the warp a couple of times. So this time I added extra warp - just 18 inches - but enough I hoped. Well somehow I ended up with 53 inches of warp left over!
Not enough to do anything with – or is it ?! Find out in the next blog post.
Final Garden Shot is the first leaves and catkins on the weeping variegated willow. So pretty!
What a pretty scarf! I hope you feel better soon!