
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Collapse Weave in Plain Weave

I came home from my last guild meeting all fired up!  I saw a collapse weave scarf that really excited me.  It was woven by Linda Wilson and featured a warp of 2/18 merino alternating with a knotty rayon and crossed with a warp of fine super twist merino.  Linda was kind enough to share her recipe and sell me a cone of the elastic super fine weft so I could weave my own scarf.  The weft was soooo fine, like frogs whiskers and has quite a bit of spring to it.  It is the big cone in the back.
I swear I had that warp on the loom within 6 hours of the meeting ~ I was that excited!  This project fit me ‘stash busting’ requirements to a tee.  I already had a cone of  2/18 merino in blush pink and a huge amount of rayon knot yarn in cream and blush pink ~ so I was set!
The warp was sett at 12 ends per inch, and was 16 inches wide.  The weft was aimed at between 10-12 picks per inch, and as you can see, it’s very, very airy.
I must admit that it was quite difficult to maintain such an open weave and I found that squeezing the weft on a closed shed worked the best.
The scarf wove up really quickly because it was plain weave and even now, before washing, you can see the texture of the scarf.
Here it is after hand washing and a full 20 minutes in the dryer!  I must admit that putting it in the dryer was scary, but I checked every 5 minutes and only stopped when it was completely dry.
I think it came out beautifully, very much like crepe de chine and with an amazing drape.  The stats for this scarf are really interesting too.  The on loom measurements are 15 ½” wide by 80 inches long plus fringe.  The off loom, pre wash measurements are 13 3/8 inches wide by 80 inches long plus fringe.  The finished measurement is 8 inches wide by 73 ½ inches long plus fringe.  I had 48% shrinkage in width but only 8% in length.  I have enough warp on the loom for a second scarf and have changed the sett to 14 ends per inch to see if I can achieve even more crepe.
The garden shot for today is Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt. Airy' (Dwarf Fothergilla) which is changing colour in an amazing way.


  1. Truly lovely! What do you mean by elastic super fine weft? Is it a elastic?. I still have not woven a thing on my loom so my knowledge is still very green on weaving, but I continue to read and learn. I will eventually get something on my loom! I need to just stop saying as soon as I do this or finish this and just do it!Again your scarf is beautiful, I love the colors you used, they are so soft and pretty.

  2. Wonderful, the colour, the texture, the speed and stash buster to boot.

  3. Hi Texan,
    The weft yarn is 60/2 over twist wool; because it is so over spun it behaves like elastic once washed, but is pure wool.

  4. Well, that's a show stopper! Simply beautiful....
    ... and I think I predict more of those coming off your loom soon!

    :) Susan

    PS.... I was weaving today! albeit slowly and not too much.... but weaving!

  5. Thank you for clarifying for me Lynnette, I appreciate it!


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