
Thursday, October 9, 2014

8 Shaft Crackle Weave ~Gold and Blue Silk Scarf

For me this is the last of the hand dyed silk warps from last summer.  I dyed it lengthwise using 2/3 moss green and 1/3 navy blue with the two colour encouraged to blend along the centre  edge.
The weft auditioning is always hard with these warps you just never know what colour is going to work.  The first three colours are creamy silk, gold and rust.  The idea behind the cream was the hope that it would look like waves crashing onto the beach – nope.  The rust was for an autumnal feel – nope.  Surprisingly gold was the best!
The pattern is the same crackle pattern from the limegreen silk scarf, but it looks totally different with this scarf.  The moss green blends into the gold making a lowlight which almost makes the pattern almost appear 3D, so pretty!
This is a stunning scarf the colours are truly magnificent!  For Sale.
I absolutely love the lengthwise colours of this scarf; I would totally do the dye plan again!
Garden photo is the Golden Hops.  It is blooming and filling up the trellis beautifully!

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