Today I added a
new page to my blog ~ a for sale page! I
have no idea how I’ve managed to acquire so much stuff! Please have a quick
look because there are some real bargains to
be had.
On a much more
interesting note last Saturday we went to the Fiber Fair in Campbell River and had a great time visiting
all the booths.
I was especially
happy to find a booth for The Weavers Atelier. They are so new to Vancouver
Island that they haven’t opened yet, but lucky for me they brought
some weaving yarn with them. Linda is also the Guild of Canadian Weavers
current president and it’s great to have such a strong West Coast presence in
the guild.
I was so happy to
get my hands on 16 ounces of 2/20 silk because dyeing season is almost here and I love to paint the silk, although I still haven't finished weaving last years batch of silk warps.
I also found some Brassards 2/8 unmercerized cotton in a stunning peacock blue/green and
the navy to cross it with…..I’m seeing tea towels on the horizon.
The weather here
continues to be cool and rainy, but that’s just fine by me as it keeps me at
the loom.
I am about 2
yards into the Lynch family tartan and so far, so good although I’ve had every
problems know to a weaver ~ mis-selying, mis-threading; basically if I could
make a mistake I did! But, doesn't it look lovely!
My weaving teacher used to say when we made mistakes " A man who never made mistakes never made anything"! I remember this every time I have a problem and then it doesn't seem so bad. Happy weaving.
ReplyDeleteYour tartan looks lovely. Its the end result that matters! You aren't alone with the mistakes.... I'm always goofing up somehow and it just amazes me that I keep on doing it even after all these year!
ReplyDeleteThe silk you bought is lovely. It was nice to see the quality in person. Hoping to make it to Linda's shop when it opens or to the 100 Mile Fibre Fair on the 25th.
Hope the weft yarn holds out for you!