
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Done and Dusted!

This week has been both sunny and warm on Vancouver Island….well a few bouts of rain, but that’s what makes the leaves all shiny and clean, so I won’t complain! The Trumpeter Swans started arriving a couple of weeks ago and now I'm constantly delighted as they fly overhead in groups honking softly ~ so very beautifully white against the sky. And to top it all off I've had a really good weaving week! Ahhh life is good!

The forest green Drall scarf is finished, it is much prettier in real life than the photo shows ~ the various purples just glow against the dark green and when the light catches it, well stunning is the best word!
The iris purple Drall scarf is finished too and this one was soooooo hard to capture in the photos….I’ve really got to learn more about my camera! It really amazes me how just changing the weft can make such a difference. Where the green could be seen as a masculine scarf the iris purple is definitely feminine….best of both worlds!
I was a very busy bee and got all three of my table runners finished too….These turned out really well and I am always astounded how a good pressing makes all the difference.  These will listed in our Etsy shop this week, hopefully just in time to tempt the Christmas shoppers!
The new Drall warp is on the loom and I love, love, love the colours. I changed up the pattern a bit and extended the width of the colour stripes and moved the blocks around. I am still enjoying the ‘freeform weaving’, but this will be the last of it. Time to move on and try something new I think!
We found this amazing fungus in one of our sunny garden beds, what a pop of colour ~ Mother Nature has a wonderful design aesthetic lining up three different sizes of these ‘Orange Peel Fungus’ so beautifully don't you agree?


  1. It´s so beutiful. I like it.

  2. Wow!! Stunning is an understatement. These scarves are fabulous!! I should say it was a successful week! Thanks for sharing!

  3. beautiful drall scarfs :) cant wait to see how the next one weaves up! your work is always so inspiring,thank you


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