
Monday, July 2, 2012

Echo de France

I’m absolutely addicted to watching the Tour de France, so the next three weeks I’ll be knitting a sweater as I watch ‘The Boys’. Thank heaven for the P.V.R. so at least I can watch the ‘Boys in Spandex’ at a time that works!  
I’m being very Canadian this year and I’m cheering them on in an ‘anybody but’ fashion; which is a little bit passive aggressive but as long as it’s not Cavendish I’m golden!  I love the art that surrounds the tour.  The photo above was taken by

Now back to weaving!
This is the second scarf in my Echo Weave series and this beauty does follow all of the rules and so it really delivers. I’ve use a split complimentary colour pallet – soft green and soft blue alternate in the warp and I’ve used a soft coral in the weft. At first I didn’t like the look of the coral, but as soon as I could see a whole pattern repeat I was sold.  The two sides are amazingly different.
I treadled the scarf using a parallel treadling and although it’s an odd sequence at first, I soon got used to it. Basically every shaft has a complimentary shaft and they always work in pairs , for example 7-1, 8-2, 9-3,10-4, 11-5, 12-6, needless to say my look while weaving it was not always ladylike as there is always a large space between the treadles.  The motif on the coral side has a centre of blue diamonds and green diamonds on the edges.
There is iridescence in abundance and quite magically other colours appear, in this case turquoise gleams on the dark side and dusty mauve shimmers on the light side.
This is why Echo Weave is magical!


  1. Those scarves look gorgeous. Echo weave is on my list but have to crack the polka dots first !

  2. Ah, you're tempting me again! The colour effects are simply magic...


    You and I are going to have to chat about what it is about the racing that appeals to you.... besides the spandex that is...

    :) Susan
    ...who thinks it will be a short conversation!


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