
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Beading a Handwoven Scarf Fringe

What happens after the scarf is woven? For me it’s the dreaded finishing! This tencel and silk scarf has a great look on both sides. Right side.
And the reverse. As you can see I have a dark purple selvedge on both sides and rather than have a single purple twizzled lock, I decided to try something different.

So the new chick got to teach the old hen a trick or two….my daughter Ngaire showed me a great beading method I thought I’d share with you.
The beads I chose were #11 seed beads and #8 seed beads. This is the tool to make it easier.
The needle threader will hold 3 seed beads at a time. Then one by one you just flick them onto the warp threads, it’s very quick and painless. I chose to put one #11 bead on each of the purple ends.
After the individual seed beads I wanted a larger bead to anchor the smaller beads in place.
On the first pass through the #8 bead I could pull through half the warp threads. Then back through the bead to pick up the rest of the fringe, it was so easy! I think the fringe is unique and very eye catching, without making the fringe heavy.
It's almost like jewelery!
Weaving Words
The word denim comes from the French - Serge de Nimes which is a cloth made in Nimes France.


  1. What a neat idea! Thanks to both of you for sharing!

    The scarf looks simply lovely.

    I don't know why you get 'uptight' about finishing work as you do such a great job of it... you very often inspire me just as you have done this time.


  2. Beautiful scarf!!! I love the colors.

    I like using this finish to for scarves too. Looks so classes without much work. Great photos and easy to understand instructions. Thanks for shaing.

  3. Your weaving blog always inspires me as your weaving and finishing skills are perfection! Thank you carefully showing us your daughter's idea of how to put beads on the selvage ends.

  4. The scarf has a fantastic pattern, and the fringe is extraordinary!

    And thank you for sharing your beading method, I didn't know about this possibility.

  5. I love that fringe. I would say it's even better than jewelry. I rarely wear jewelry but I would definitely wear that scarf with its bit of sparkle.

  6. your fringe is beautiful!
    For adding beads to a fringe I use a beading needle that's closed at both ends and open through the middle - works great. Love your little tool!

  7. The scarf is great and thanks so much for the beading tut! I have a scarf I want to do this very thing on, but was a bit put off by not knowing the best way to approach beading the fringe. Now I know what to do!

  8. The colours are 'mysterious' and romantic, and together with the pretty beads it makes for a beautiful work of art. I'll store up the bead idea to use myself sometime. Thank you.

  9. Just catching up on my blog reading. Great idea for beading with that tool. Can you tell me what the name of the tool is and where it can be purchased? Thanks for sharing your work, it is all inspiring.

  10. Okay, this may seem totally random. I came here looking for beading ideas, but then I saw you have a daughter named Ngaire. I worked at a library with a woman named Ngaire in the early 90s in northern Michigan and I've never heard of another person name Ngaire! I'm sure they're not the same person, but what a coincidence!


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