
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finnish Lace Shawl Completed

The Finnish Lace Shawl is done and even lovelier than I had hoped. It is very light and drapes beautifully.

When I took it off the loom it was stiff and I really couldn’t see any distinct pattern in the lacy areas. The white markers are my measuring threads; I measure on the loom every 5 inches and keep a running tally. I wove the shawl 83-1/2 inches long, plus allowed 12 inches for fringe on each end.
Here is a close up of the lace area before wet finishing, quite open but no real pattern. You can see that I used two different cones of red cotton in the warp. The cotton was exactly the same, but from different dye lots. I alternated the red warp ends on the warping board and you can see the uniform pin striping effect, which adds interest to the tabby stripes.

After wet finishing the floats in the lace areas aligned and spaced out, creating a wonderful openness. The lace areas didn’t puff up and create a texture as I expected, they lay flat and seem very stable. This weave structure creates a beautiful lacy openness and really shows off the hand painted warp threads. After wet finishing the shawl measured 82 inches long and 19 inches wide. Amazingly I only lost 1-1/2" in length and just over 1/2 inch in width. I had machine washed it a full 4 minute cycle on permanent press so I attribute the minimal shrinkage to measuring with the tension off and using a temple.

This is my draft for the shawl which I modified from an article in Handwoven Magazine Summer 1984 by Miranda Howard. I left out the alternate pattern blocks and wove the shawl using only lace runs. I was concerned that the lace could take up differently than the plain weave, but this didn’t happen.
I thought I’d share with you how I did the fringe on this shawl. I did a simple hem stitch on the loom in bundles of 12 warp threads. I split the bundles in half and twisted each bundle 40 twists to the right and then combined them and twisted 35 to the left. This gave me a nicely beaded looking fringe, securing with an overhand knot. I then folded the shawl in half and placing one side directly on top of the other I aligned the fringe. Using a line on my cutting board I anchored the shawl with heavy cook books. Then one by one alternating from each end of the shawl I ensured the knots were at the same level, again using my cutting board to line them up.
I am very happy with this shawl overall, but have a few slight selvedge issues.
I think I may be doing a rolled edge or some kind of selvedge treatment in the future to make it really pop in the Guild sale!
Weaving Words

The word tabby describes a plain weave fabric. It also describes a striped cat, a spinster, a rich watered silk and a prying or gossiping woman.


  1. I love the before and after pictures of the lace! :) I think it turned out fabulous!!! :)

  2. The lace is so pretty! It makes you wonder why we don't hear more about Finnish lace?

    I like the blending of the reds and over all effects of the colours you chose. Fresh!

    I'm definitely going to plan a project in this lace for the future.


    PS sorry, but it's real hard to see your draft on the screen. Can you zero in on the threading?

  3. What a beautiful project!!! It looks great!!

    Interesting that you got so little shrinkage using cotton. But you're probably right - that it has to do with measuring without tension and with using a temple. I often get little lengthwise shrinkage, but more width-wise. (Not a temple user, YET!)

    The stripes in this project are unequal widths, right? They look good! How did you decide how wide you wanted each one??

    Thanks for the crochet-tree picture. Pretty amazing!!

    Just a quick computer note for anyone having trouble with the size of things in a blog.....if you hit Ctrl+ (so hold the "Ctrl" key and keep hitting the "+" key the page will usually keep enlarging). (This is a feature of browsers including Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.)

    Ctrl+ increases, Ctrl- decreases and Ctrl0 restores back to original size.

    OK....enough technical blathering!! I use this all the time on blogs that have small stuff in them!!!

    Congrats again on the finished project. It is spectacular!!


  4. Lynette, thank you for sharing the photos and all the details. The shawl is indeed magnificent. It was very interesting to see the lace before and after wet finishing. What a dramatic change.

  5. So lovely and the color is so vibrant!

  6. Ah, so very lovely! It looks perfect to wear to a summer eve wedding!
    Thanks for sharing the draft.

  7. The shawl is beautiful, it looks so soft and light! I enjoyed the photo of the tree covered in crochet very much.

  8. Very lovely indeed! You did good!

  9. Your lovely photos of classic weaves with a contemporary slant have kept me going, and its your use of lace which has got me trying some samples
    And while I'm visiting thanks for your comments, they are a great help.


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